Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sleep deprivation => Aggressiveness

Most people know that a lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and confusion, but research that was recently presented at a meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies suggests that it can also cause people to place blame on others, sometimes even leading them to plot revenge.

A team of scientists said that sleep-deprived individuals often engage in "counterfactual thinking," a process by which they displace their aggression on others without taking into account how their own actions may have influenced a negative outcome.

"It may be that the sleepier you are, the more likely your musings are to be angry thoughts about how others could have done better," said principal investigator David Mastin, Ph.D.

Workplace Stress

Stress for New Comers

New hires have the tendency to be a bit nervous during their first days at a company as they learn more about the job and get acclimated to the work environment. However, there are several things that an organization can do to ensure a smooth, productive transition.

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph and the University of Toronto suggests that structured orientation training and mentor programs may help new employees get comfortable. Authors said that strong "on-boarding" strategies helped rookies become more engaged in their new positions. These may include detailed training sessions and exercises that help them establish a rapport with co-workers.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intellectual Wellness

The intellectual dimension of wellness encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. An intellectually well person uses the resources available to expand one's knowledge in improved skills along with expanding potential for sharing with others. An intellectually well person uses the intellectual and cultural activities in the classroom and beyond the classroom combined with the human resources and learning resources available within the university community and the larger community.

Travelling a wellness path, intellectually you'll explore issues related to problem solving, creativity and learning. You'll spend more time appreciating and thinking about the scenery along the path pursuing interests, reading books, magazines, and newspapers. You'll discover a natural interest in keeping abreast of current issues and ideas. As you develop your intellectual wellness curiosity, you'll actively strive to expand and challenge your mind with creative endeavors. On your path, you'll begin to see problems and challenges not as stumbling blocks but stepping stones.

As you travel the wellness path, you'll begin to believe that intellectually :

  • It's better to stretch and challenge our minds with intellectual and creative pursuits than to become self-satisfied and unproductive.

  • It's better to identify potential problems and choose appropriate courses of action based on available information than to wait, worry and contend with major concerns later.

Cocoa Collagen

The best product for Your Physical and Inner Health

A friend recommended me to consume the product. At first, she just gave me 1 sachet for free.

After drinking it, I found that the taste is good and I'm physically fit. Then, I tried to buy 1 set which is about RM20. Now monthly I make sure to buy 1 package which consist of 3 boxes. This is the product I would recommend women (married) to consume it, specifically to take care yourself, your marriage and husband. The price is about RM59, RM58, RM57 in the open market. Sometimes, in the net, people offer RM45 but I never try buying from such source.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Products for your personel health

These are the products I consume to maintain my personel health.

1. Calcium Milk

2. EPO + Omega Fish Oil

May be yours are different. Just sharing the information.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wellness Definition

This is an article from, it defines wellness as :

  • Wellness is a choice- a decision you make to move toward optimal health.
  • Wellness is a way of life - a lifestyle you design to achieve your highest potential for wellbeing.
  • Wellness is a process - a developing awareness that there is no endpoint, but that health and happiness are possible in each moment, here and now.
  • Wellness is a balanced channeling of energy - energy received from the environment, transformed within you, and returned to affect the world around you.
  • Wellness is the integration of body, mind, emotions and spirit - the appreciation that everything you do, and think and feel and believe has an impact on your state of health and the health of the world.
  • Wellness is the loving acceptance of yourself.

In short, wellness is basically taking care of yourself.